Jeff Landry, the Governor of the state, explained that the law was necessary because “Moses was the original lawgiver.”
This is not true, of course. The original lawgiver’s name is lost in prehistory, but you can bet he was a big guy with big muscles, big friends and a big stick. When he gave a law, your cave ass obeyed it.
But we’re not here to talk history. We’re here to talk competition, and the first competition is what’s going to go up on the wall next to the Ten when the suing gets done. You might think that Muslims and Jews will be happy with the Ten Commandments being required reading in Louisiana for tykes and teenagers alike, since Moses was a Jew and Islam happily stole his Commandments just like the Christians did, but anyone with even a modicum of acquaintance with religious history knows that Christians, Muslims and Jews being happy at the same time about the same thing has never, ever happened.
The Muslims are going to want the Five Pillars of Islam up there, too. Also, probably Sharia Law. Landry and most other Louisianans would rather shit out a live possum than see this happen, but they opened this can of crawdads.
The Jews, having had thousands of years longer than either Christians or Muslims to fine tune their Commandment game, actually have 613 Commandments. This is because Jews want their religion to be more miserable and demanding than any other, which, oddly enough, makes them happy with it. Going to take some fine print, though, to get 613 Commandments on a ten by fourteen piece of parchment, which is the minimum size the Louisiana Commandments can be, by law.
The Church of Satan is going to want in on this action, for sure. Oklahoma already found this out the hard way, and After-School Satan Clubs are a thing everywhere school districts have tried to institute after school Christianity. Satan has Eleven Rules of the Earth, according to this web site. Number 11 is, and I am not making this up, although someone obviously did, is When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.
If we all become Satanists, the college football bowl season is going to get way more interesting.
Other, faiths, less numerous perhaps, but no less sincere, are going to want a piece of the Louisiana schoolroom wall pie. Dudeists will want, “This aggression will not stand, man,” on their poster, and due to its terse nature, they’ll get it in big print. The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster’s Commandments are lightly worded as well, although there are a few, my favorite of which is "Thou shalt have no other Monsters before Me (Afterwards is OK; just use protection)."
Atheists are out of luck, as usual. You can't put "This is all bullshit" on a third grade classroom wall, so they'll have to settle for a blank piece of paper, I guess, or else a simple, declarative, "There is no God."
Hopefully, some cynical schoolchild will graffiti "There is no Santa Claus, either," on top of it.