Carlson had been to Moscow to kiss the Head Ogre’s ass. Even Russia’s Top Thug was critical of Tucker’s bow-tied white guy’s mealy-mouthedness towards him, probably expecting at least a bland inquiry about his responsibility for hundreds of thousands of deaths and rapes, but Carlson worshipped over Putin like Guy Fieri might slobber over a cheesesteak joint, thereby insuring, to the disappointment of many observers, that he got out of Russia without being poisoned himself.
The Kremlin announced blandly that its chief opponent had died of “sudden death syndrome.” This is a Russian euphemism for “getting slipped a KGB roofie.”
Back here, the Tangerine Drama Queen continued oozing his way to the Republican nomination for President like a wave of toxic sludge bursting out of a containment pond. Showing his continued delicate touch for race relations, Trump claimed black Americans like him because he is a criminal, like all of them are. Not content with that, he claimed to have restored prayers to public schools, beaten Obama in 2016, made “Israel the capital of Israel,” and promised that Americans would continue to be able to listen to AM radio in their cars.
That AM radio plank alone ought to guarantee his anointment in Milwaukee. He nails down the vote of everybody in the US who drives a vehicle made before 1963.
He also claimed political kinship with Navalny, except that he hasn’t been poisoned or locked up for years. “Just you wait, motherfucker,” Jack Smith was heard to say afterwards.
At the end of the week, he surged to victory in South Carolina despite looking and sounding like a man who had been slipped a massive dose of LSD and then hit in the face with bear spray. That caused all of his handlers to reflect that maybe Trump ought to up the ante on what he could do and still not lose a single vote, from shooting someone on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight as he originally claimed, to maybe exhuming the corpse of Queen Elizabeth and dry-humping it at one of his rallies, or catching Melania fellating Hunter Biden and roasting both of them with a flamethrower he happened to have in his golf cart.
He ended his speech in Nashville by saying: "They want you to say what they want you, what they want to have you say. And we're not gonna let that happen. You're going to say as you want & you're going to believe & you're going to believe in God. You're gonna believe in God because God is here & God is watching."
At that moment, on His Heavenly throne, God was rumored to have said, “Jesus Christ! Will somebody change the fucking channel?”
To which His Son replied, “You’ve got the remote.”