This has disturbed any number of backwoods peckerheads who think that millionaire athletes who have far better jobs, incomes and opportunities for sex than they do have no business being social justice warriors, and need to shut up and play so the Billy Bobs of this country have something to watch while they crack that eleventh Natural Light on their day off.
A movement to boycott pro sports is being fomented out there in Murica, and the burning question is, what is going to replace numbly sitting in front of the tube after getting shellacked on medical marijuana when you don’t have the Dallas Cowboys to drop passes for your entertainment anymore? Got some suggestions for you here:
COLLEGE SPORTS: Sure, but they’re not really having them this year. Even when they resume, the only real college sport is football, and they only play that for a few months out of the year. You think Bobby Joe Dumdickey is going to get excited about lacrosse or crew or any of that other ESPN3 stuff? Naw. He’d rather be…
HUNTING: Yep. That’s the ticket. Nothing like being out in nature, killing a few of God’s perfect creatures. Except that hunting has seasons too, and at some point, you’re too old to be trudging through the woods, wearing holes in your diabetes socks. Or you’re just sick of freezing your ass off before dawn in some soggy duck blind. Then it’s time to go…
FISHING: Again, not a year-round entertainment opportunity. Sure, summer’s a great time to snag your lures on the branches overhead trying to catch trout, which are edible, even though they taste faintly of mud, or bait up for catfish, which are not, because they taste entirely like mud. There’s deep sea fishing, too, where you can spend a shit-ton of money finding out how good the fishing was yesterday. Then there’s ice-fishing, which is what you can plan to do instead of watching the next Super Bowl. So maybe you should try…
BASHING MAILBOXES WITH BASEBALL BATS: Just kidding. You had your fill of that when you were a kid. Even though it keeps Democrats from voting, you’re not going back to that. You’d rather…
DRINK BEER AND PLAY POOL IN SOME HIDEOUS REDNECK DIVE BAR: That’s the ticket. You know your spot. They don’t serve any bottled brew that doesn’t come in a longneck, four of their six draught taps dispense a beer that ends in “Light,” and if you don’t ask for a shot of whiskey with your suds, your friends ask you if you’re feeling all right. The trouble with this place is that there is a TV crammed into every corner and hanging from every nook in the ceiling, and they're all tuned into a game, so you’re going to find yourself watching those hateful professional athletes again, just like a common libtard, especially when there’s two minutes left in the game and it’s tied. So, there’s hardly anything left, except for…
PORN: Hey, your wife just left for the supermarket and you’re on the Internet anyway. Why not quit reading this and…