This is one of those stories that, when read, cause the reader to think, “Hey, the reporter meant the opposite of that. Some copy editor is going to get his ass handed to him today.”
Not so—the story is apparently true. The school in question is the Centner Academy, a pricey private school for pre-k through middle school in Miami. Oddly enough, Centner is not a Christian institution. You might almost expect this behavior at a place called, for example, Christ the King Christian School for Kids Who Are Not Little Homosexuals.
But Centner is a secular institution, or at least I gathered that from a brief glance at its web site. Its core value is “mindfulness,” whatever that means. They do charge 15K a year to raise your toddler to appreciate vague bullshit, which they are going to have to generate and at least pretend to appreciate the rest of their lives in order to be successful Americans, so I’m not arguing with their business model. It strikes me as the kind of school where children are taught to be nice to poor kids, without ever taking a chance on actually having to meet one.
The no-vaccinated-teacher policy was put in place by Leila Centner, the school’s owner, who is a committed anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist. Leila recently bought the school and named it after herself. In an ordinary school, the administration is eager to have their teachers vaccinated, because they know all kids are little mucus-balls that only attend school to infect their classmates and their teachers with the latest in microbes.
Leila thinks the opposite is true—her teachers only want to get vaccinated so they can blow Bill Gates brand 5G tracking chips out of their noses and festoon their charges with them like hot snot. Gates will now know if your kid is having his or her birthday party at the country club, or whether you’re cheaping out and slumming it at Chuck E. Cheese.
Why does Gates want to know this? Four words-- worldwide child sex slavery. Yes, it has been linked to the vaccine.
One child was advised by her teacher not to hug her vaccinated parents for more than five seconds apiece, which did not sit well with the parents, who yanked their kid out of Centner, just so they could exercise their freedom to spew vaccine gobs willy-nilly all over their hapless tyke.
Although why you would want to hug a kid for more than five seconds is a mystery to me. FULL DISCLOSURE: I am fully vaccinated.
It has not increased my affection for children.