It is apparent, by most polls, that nearly a majority of Americans miss those days.
Biden just journeyed to France, where he paid tribute to the fallen of D-Day. He used words like sacrifice, honor and courage--things that a President is expected to say—and reminded America of the debt we owe those heroes.
Of course, that’s boring. We don’t like thinking about that, so we do for maybe three seconds and then go back to bitching about the price of cheeseburgers.
When Trump went to Normandy during his years in office, his behavior was much more entertaining. He called the war dead “suckers and losers,” in front of his Chief of Staff. He told the President of France that his wife had a great ass. He refused to go to one ceremony because it was raining and he was afraid it would fuck up his hair.
Biden doesn’t worry about his hair being fucked-up. He’s 81. All 81-year-olds have fucked up hair. That’s reality. A lot of us don’t approve of reality. We want a reality show. So, we’re thinking we want Trump back, because Biden is just a regular President, like all the Presidents before Trump. He doesn’t pick public fights with celebrities. He releases his tax returns. His relatives don’t work in the White House. He doesn’t award the seal of Presidential approval to Nazis, racists, the Proud Oafs, or blithering tin-hatters on the Internet. He doesn’t make fun of Rosie O’Donnell’s weight or mock people with birth defects. He doesn’t have a mail-order bride that obviously loathes him. Biden’s wife can only say “500 dollars, you pay now,” in one, or maybe two languages, tops, instead of six.
Where’s the fun in that?
Whereas, if the Cantaloupe Convict gets back in the Oval, it’s all hell breaking loose the minute he finishes lying about protecting the Constitution with his hand on one of his own sixty-buck Bibles. Ordering Ex-President’s Biden’s Secret Service detail to arrest him? Making Alex Jones Secretary of State? Replacing the Joint Chiefs of Staff with the guys that run the WWE Smackdown? Forbidding Door Dash to deliver to Chris Christie?
The Mango Miscreant may do all this, or just mutter about doing it, and that will just be in the first week of his zombie Presidency. Either way is fine. It’ll be just like watching a fail compilation on YouTube, except they don’t last four years.
All because Biden is boring. Poor Sleepy Joe. He’s wide awake. He just makes us yawn.
* Sorry about that asterisk...FB's been a little weird to me lately