“Here to set the record straight?” I guessed.
He seemed annoyed by that. “My ways are mysterious,” He said, “so don’t be thinking you can figure them out, or I’ll give you a stroke. You feeling Me?”
“Understood,” I replied.
“I’m here to give you My Word on Project 2025. I’m against it.”
“You could appear to the Project’s boss people and tell them that Yourself, You know. That would really make them piss in their thousand-dollar suits.”
“Yeah, I’m not going to do that. Those guys make My Skin crawl. They really hate the girls, you know.”
“Did not need a revelation to figure that out. But didn’t You make the ladies out of a rib in the first place?”
“It wasn’t a rib. It was more of a cutlet. And it’s true I didn’t have much hope for them at first. I just made the first one because Adam was being such a whiny little bitch about being alone in the Garden. Fine, fine, I said, although I was pretty annoyed at him wanting any company besides Me. I mean, I thought We were having a great time, fishing, boxing, wrestling, playing board games…”
“But I bet You always won.”
“I do have a completive nature, for a Supreme Being. Anyway, I got used to the girls. Some of them can really carry a tune, you know, and they looked much better in animal skins than the guys did. And their prayers to Me were always much more interesting. Guys would always be praying for harder dicks or bigger mammoths to kill. Girls’ prayers often went like this ‘God, why did You put that cliff over there if You’re never going to let my husband fall off of it? You could at least push him in the river once in a while, so he doesn’t always reek like caribou entrails. And could you create gay guys, so we could have someone to giggle with?’
“I guess after a while, I just became a feminist. I inspired jihads and Crusades, so I could answer the prayers of women who wanted their men out of the castle, or the yurt, or whatever. Guys fought back. They invented chastity belts. I invented locksmiths. It was quite the little game, for a while. Guys invented incest. I invented abortions. They came up with roofies. I countered with mifepristone.
“These 2025 guys want to take the whole thing back in one swoop. They want to go back to the Dark Ages. Not that the Dark Ages weren’t a good time for Me—great plagues and the air was always redolent with the smell of burnt heretics—but I’ve moved on.”
“So, are You are going to smite Project 2025?”
“Not right away. Let the girls vote, first. I think they’re planning to.”