This pissed off the heirs of Isaac Hayes, who wrote the song, but not many Republicans, or at least Republicans in attendance at the convention, as they cheered wildly for Trump strutting over the freshly-turned earth covering the bodies of third-grade gunshot victims.
When asked how Trump could possibly be celebrated for being so completely insensitive to tragedy and loss, one Republican operator, on condition of remaining anonymous, opined, “I think if he danced well, people would resent it. But he dances like a tipsy step-grandfather at a wedding everyone was hoping he wouldn’t show up for. As long as he doesn’t start moonwalking, I think he’ll be okay.”
Trump still couldn’t come in first in GOP Stupidity of the Week, though, as Marjorie Taylor Green, who’s been in I’m-Going-To-Make-You-Forget-Madison Cawthorn-Ever-Existed mode ever since the cross-dressing cripple lost his bid for re-election, first popped off on Twitter about Bill Gates growing fake meat in a “peach-tree” dish, thus proving that neither she nor anyone that works in her office ever passed high school biology.
Not content to rest on her peach-blossom laurels, she then attacked the Prime Minister of Canada for attempting to ban pistol sales in his country, warning him that “Russia would invade Canada,” if Canadians were forbidden to purchase handguns.
Over here, we suspect that MGT couldn’t find Canada on a map, despite the fact that it the easiest country in the world to find on a map, and possibly she isn’t aware that there is a country currently being invaded by Russia, and the one weapon that the Ukrainians aren’t trying to shame us into giving them is handguns. Zelensky isn’t screaming himself hoarse begging for Glocks. That is because they are useless against tanks, artillery, drones, long-range missiles, etc. Putting a free handgun in the hands of every Canadian whose hands are big enough to hold one wouldn’t make Putin hesitate to invade the Yukon, if he thought that was a good idea.
Which he probably doesn’t, considering his current invasion is going over like an outhouse in a penthouse.
So, the consensus here is that Green wins the week.
Maybe she feels like dancing.