In other words, if not for anti-Caucasian prejudice, white men would give up spanking it over Pornhub and save all their love juices for Marjorie Taylor Greene.
NO! Did that slip out? I’m sure she didn’t mean that, exactly, but it is tough to discern what she did mean. What about all the non-white men lying in their grandma’s basement in a pool of sweat, exhausted from slapping the bishop and playing Minecraft? What is their motivation for living sad, useless lives, shaming themselves continuously while listening to Mawmaw bang around on her walker on the floor above?
Possibly it is because MTG believes no more can be expected of them, because they are not white. I would say this is the most obvious answer, certainly in the case of black and Asian men, because they are on the face of it, not white. They are doing what she expects of them, but if not for the anti-white agenda, white guys wouldn’t be emulating them. They would be going to church, hanging out at bars where they throw axes instead of darts, sitting in hunting blinds, and doing other white-manly stuff.
Or being imprisoned in the DC jail for trashing the Capitol on January 6th? MGT has a lot of sympathy for the conditions these white guys are being held in, even though the food was just as lousy, the shivs were just as sharp, and the rats were just as big when there were only black guys in the DC jail. If the Congresswoman cared about the state of the jail then, she kept it on the down-low.
Also, there is the matter of who the Congresswoman regards as white. While Jews, Arabs, Iranians, other miscellaneous Middle Eastern types, Indians and Pakistanis are all considered Caucasian, it is doubtful MTG considers them white. So, no shame can be attached to those guys if they while away their time squirting their mustard over Stormy Daniel’s greatest hits. A lot of them seem to became doctors anyway. Greene does not offer an explanation for this.
Can Democrats, in fact, be white guys? Could it be that being “woke” and going to college sucks all the Caucasianality out of a male? This is a topic for the Congresswoman to explore next time she wedges herself onto a podcast.
So, what makes a guy white? Let’s narrow the field. Is it having a piss-poor education at some Jesus school? Is it sneering at the so-called “experts” that, in fact, built the world you slither through on your wife’s two jobs and you tying flies and selling them at the swap meet? Is it bullying the clerk at the 7-11 because of his accent? Is it whining because all the good electrical engineering jobs go to people who can actually electrically engineer? Is it buying your girlfriend a Confederate flag thong?
Everybody does hate those guys.
Goddammit, she’s right.