“That boat full of explosive fertilizer was abandoned in Beirut six years ago. Who was President then? Obama. And who was Vice-President? Biden? And isn’t the Vice-President, according to the Constitution, supposed to be in charge of dangerous cargoes in foreign harbors?” asked a White House spokesman, when he was contacted about the President’s previous hysterical claim about terrorists.
Umm, no. And even if that was true, wouldn’t that make Beirut Mike Pence’s fault?
“Obviously not, because Mike wasn’t Vice President six years ago. Biden was, and he was too busy sending his drunk son Hunter around the globe collecting money from Ukraine and China, just so the Bidens could have the finest basement in Delaware, to pay attention to the danger in Lebanon.”
You know the Lebanese weren’t paying attention to the danger in Lebanon, right?
“How do we know that they weren’t constantly asking Biden for help when they were storing a shit-ton of ammonium nitrate in that easily flammable warehouse, but Biden was too preoccupied with kissing little girls on the hair and getting early signs of dementia to hear them?”
We do pretty well know you’re just making that up. Like the thing your boss made up yesterday about mail-in-voting being completely okay in Republican states but a recipe for fraud in Democratic ones.
“Made up? That’s nonsense. Read the books, read the manuals. But let me explain what this Administration is doing to keep dangerous cargoes out of American waters. Right now, China is trying to ship boats full of TikTok to American ports…”
You know TikTok isn’t something that can be transported by sea, right?
“I know no American port is going to get blown up like Beirut while Trump is in charge, pal.”
Probably not, but it’s no credit to Trump. American ports are run rationally, by responsible people who wouldn’t offload thousands of tons of explosive cargo into a warehouse for six years and then just wait for somebody to light a match. It’s been that way for decades. Lebanon is a disorganized, corrupt mess whose government consists of a shaky coalition of parties that hate each other, each with their own armed faction. America isn’t like Lebanon.
“That might have been true up until now, buddy, but is it really anymore? You’ve got President Trump to thank for that.”