They’ll claim this if you ask them, but, really, they’re just doing what they usually do, golfing and sexual harassing their office help. As one of them put it, speaking anonymously, naturally, “When the Boss gets back into office, we just plan on kicking back and watching him solve national problems by just pulling things out of his ass. America wants a return to the old days, of Trump just watching Fox News and extracting something out of his hiney that gets him the most mentions on it.”
“All this policy talk is Washington insider crap. Studying issues and coming up with thoughtful solutions is what Democrats do. It’s cringe, baby, if not outright Marxist. If you can’t arrest it and put it in a camp, it’s not a problem.
“The other side can come at us with all it’s boring arguments about the law, studies, predictable consequences, et fucking cetera. One Tweet about Chuck Schumer’s nut size negates all that. Putin invades some far away cold swamp? Why should we get excited, even if it’s called Estonia? That fat kid in North Korea chokes to death trying to wolf down a plate of loaded nachos, and the country’s nuclear arsenal is suddenly controlled by his teenage daughter? So what? Republicans love teenage girls. Ask Matt Gaetz.
“Domestic issues? Schmomestic issues. You’ll be able to afford gas for your pickup truck. That’s a promise Trump will make on Day One. And he’ll keep it. And if he doesn’t, he’ll say he did. The horrible economy left by the Democrats will be the greatest economy ever, as soon as Trump takes office, even though it will be the exact same economy. That’s the beauty of government by rectal yanking.
“And if Trump falters? Well, he won’t, even though he’s 78. But if some crisis comes upon us, and he can’t think of a way to sneer it away, look at his brain trust! Don, Jr! There’s nothing more authentic than advice from a guy who, if he hadn’t been born into money, would obviously be a cable TV installer in Pennsylvania who gets busted for poaching at least once a year! Lara, who’s got all the time in the world for politics now that she’s had Eric neutered! And his ace in the hole, Vice-President Vance!
“Vance is just a youngster now, but four years under the tutelage of the Boss will give him the talent for pulling things out of his ass confidently enough to govern the country. He’s already showing signs of rapid progress by yanking a whole fake biography out of his behind and shitting on single women who keep cats. And while his under-forty ass is youthful and supple now, not the vast white storehouse of aged and pimply knowledge that Trump’s is, it will grow. When Trump declares himself President-for-Life in 2028, nobody will be prouder to call himself Vice-President-for-Life than JD Vance.
“And how did Donald Trump know this? Why he…”
Just pulled it out of his ass?
“Now you see the big picture!”