It is also infiltrating Christianity, as some pastors are now preaching it to their congregations alongside their usual Jesus-based stuff.
This is not hard to believe, as Q, the anonymous high government informer who supposedly ringleads the conspiracy, has much in common with Christ, starting with the fact that both have cult followings.
Which means that, once again, it’s eerie parallel time over here. Just consider:
Both Jesus and Q offer their followers highly dubious belief systems. Q says Trump is waging a war against this secret international cabal of politicians and celebrities that practice pedophilia and drain babies of their blood so they can make and drink adrenochrome, a practice that does not exist in reality, but only in Hunter Thompson’s book of acid-drenched humor, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
But if you think that’s hard to believe, consider that Jesus says Trump can get into Heaven.
Q followers are waiting for the Great Awakening, which is when Trump will rally his forces and move against every pizza parlor and hidden ranch in the hills where kidnapped children are being held against their will and their blood harvested.
The Jesus crowd is waiting for the Second Coming. Both groups are still waiting.
Q predicts The Storm, where Hillary Clinton, George Soros and Tom Hanks, along with all the rest of the Deep State and all Democratic politicians above the level of county commissioner, will be arrested and imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay.
Jesus predicts the Rapture, where everybody who believes in Him gets sucked into Heaven by the immense Hoover of His love, while the rest of the world turns into Guantanamo Bay.
Q turns Trump, a man who has been credibly accused of pedophilia, into a man who fights pedophilia. Jesus turns water into wine. Hard to say which one is the bigger reach.
Q wants you to take the “red pill.” Jesus wants you to drink His Blood.
Q says if you don’t believe in him, you’re a member of the Deep State. Jesus says if you don’t believe in Him, you’re in deep shit.
Q says JFK Jr. and Osama Bin Laden are not really dead. Jesus says He’s not really dead, either.
Q is anti-Semitic.
Jesus is definitely Semitic.
Okay, not all comparisons are perfect.