You might have suspected that men who shoot paintballs at protesters or carry automatic weapons into Hallmark when buying their Christmas cards might not be the most supportive of bros when it comes to female equality, but it was a revelation to our girl Tara, who apparently has never made a sandwich and brought it, along with an ice-cold beer and slippers to her man after he’s spent a hot afternoon chanting “Blue Lives Matter!” and shooting pepper spray at social justice warriors downtown.
When Tara is on the Internet, complaining about rap music and advocating for a separate white homeland, or at least a return to segregation, she is attacked by trolls who believe in exactly the same thing, except that they also believe she should shut up, get married, and start raising some little blonde stormtroopers of her own.
“It’s the Proud Bois, not the Proud Bois and Girlz. It’s the Boogaloo Bois, not the Boogaloo Chicks,” she is constantly reminded when she’s spewing racial hatred on the ‘Net. “Can you even bake a pie?”
Tara gives as good as she gets, or so she claims, fiercely defending her right to add a woman’s voice when it comes to calling out race traitors and cukservatives. She can Jew-bait and noose-make as well as any man, she notes. Why can’t she be treated equally by those whose bizarre beliefs she shares?
Tara, if you think about it, it’s almost as though all professional racists are sordid little dicks who are all misogynists to the bone as well.
There’s your answer, girl. But you go on. Maybe you’ll find your perfect man someday—a Nazi in the streets and a freak in the sheets.
When you do, make him a sandwich.