This comes on the heels of a multiplicity of theories concerning the mass murder at Sandy Hook elementary being carried out by government ops, variations on which claimed that the children were not really dead and actors had been hired to play the role of the grieving parents, in order to promote a gun control agenda.
What government end the Boston bombing was meant to achieve is not being actively speculated upon. Since the bombs were filled with ball bearings, it could have been ball-bearing control. Or marathon control. I have always maintained that marathons are a terrible idea. The first person who ever completed one died on the spot. Possibly, in the shadowy, mind-controlling upper echelons of the US Government, somebody else feels the same way.
Coupled together with the enduring belief that the destruction of the towers of the World Trade Center on 9/11 could not possibly have been caused by terrorists flying airplanes into them, even though we all watched airplanes flying into them and one conclusion becomes inevitable—ONLY THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT HATES AMERICANS AND WANTS TO KILL THEM.
Once one accepts this belief, everything becomes clear. First off, they're all in this together. All the bile and bitter accusations of election campaigns, all the bags of money begged from oil companies and Hollywood to finance attack ads—they're all cynical fakeries. Obama and Boehner, Pelosi and Cruz, even Ron Paul are all creatures of the United Nations. They communicate by secret courier-carried thumb drives to prevent detection. They've all got 'Agenda 21' tattooed between their toes.
Likewise, Navy Seals are not regular Americans, because it is pretty hard to believe that young American men, imbued with patriotism and a yearning to become powerful defenders of their country, upon their acceptance into Seal training and being told 'You know, your real job is to randomly murder American innocents in fake terrorist attacks,' would instantly say "Cool. I was hoping it was something like that.' No, these men don't come from among us. Possibly they are grown in huge, grisly pods like the ones in the Matrix. Or they get mind-wiped by that blinkie thing from Men in Black.
"Richard," I hear you saying. "Those are just movies. In reality, those things don't exist." My answer—HOW DO YOU KNOW? Suppose the Matrix is real, and there are Men in Black. Suppose those films are actually documentaries!
I can see you nodding your head. Another thing—Armed Muslim fanatics actually love America. They only maintain secret combat camps so that they can spring into action on our behalf should we decide to invade their country. If you accidentally stumbled upon a bivouacking terror cell, they would probably offer you a bowl of Cocoa Krispies or some other classic American breakfast food as a token of their love for all things American and then let you shoot their guns.
That's why we kill them with drones--the government doesn't want you to find this out!
The whole North-Korea-has-the-bomb lie is the most terrifying portent of all. North Korea is really a peaceful country where the peasants spend all day holding hands and singing songs from Disney movies. They no more have the bomb than they have flying saucers. But the government wants you to think they have a nuclear-tipped ICBM that can lay waste to the West Coast. Why? BECAUSE THE US GOVERNMENT PLANS TO BLOW UP THE WEST COAST! We don't know why, but my guess is that they want to make room for more Mexicans to move there.
Don't believe me? Fine. You've been told. Just stick around, sheeple. Your next clue is going to be opening your window and feeling the morning breeze blowing in at about 50,000 degrees.
Me, I'm moving to Montana, and pulling out all my own teeth.