Trump had not achieved that until now, as we all know how to spell the small words that grace the Presidential vocabulary most frequently. Any second grader can spell “me” and “I,” and by the time a child is ready for middle school he or she can spell and use correctly such words as “fantastic,” “low-IQ,” “sonofabitch,” and “liddle.”
But now, thanks to Trump and his ex-tootsie Stormy Daniels, America has a new word to write on the national blackboard, and that word is “skank.”
“Skank” is derived from the old English skanke, which meant “A woman who has sex with everyone but you.” The use of the term has broadened in the modern American vocabulary, and now can mean “a woman who has sex with everyone including you, but you hope voters won’t find out about it, so much that you pay her $130,000 afterwards to keep her skank trap shut.”
And it is the skank herself that is giving Trump’s America spelling lessons, via Twitter, natch. Stormy Daniels has, despite it being so creamy and flawless that every inch of it is available on public video, a pretty thick skin. Being called a skank does not bother the Stormer, probably because it, like whore, slut, hoebag and fuck toy, is something that she has been called, or even called herself, many times during her the course of her dreary working day. But spell it correctly, Trumpsters, is her message to her critics.
Correct spelling is not something the President or his supporters care much about, though, so the thinking here is that the English lesson being taught by America’s naked school marm is going to be widely ignored. The spelling was no better than usual at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania over the weekend, during which the Caucasian-in-Chief said, mysteriously, of potential Presidential rival Oprah Winfrey, “I know her weakness.”
Well, everybody does. It’s the buffet line. We’ve all watched Oprah slowly deflate and inflate again and again over the years. The woman has more dresses in more sizes than Target. Someone needs to take Trump aside and tell him everybody knows his weakness, too.
It’s skanks.