President Donald Trump claimed credit for commercial aviation's remarkably safe year in 2017 Tuesday, touting the industry's successes as due solely to his own efforts.
“Since taking office I have been very strict on Commercial Aviation. Good news - it was just reported that there were Zero deaths in 2017, the best and safest year on record!” he said. News item.
When the President Tweeted this yesterday, critics of the White House were quick to point out that there had not been a fatal commercial airplane accident involving a US carrier since 2009, when Trump had just begun to birther his way onto the national political scene and Melania was still willing to have sex with him.
The White House, as is its wont, doubled down. “Not only did the President personally improve airline safety, he was also responsible for last summer’s fantastic solar eclipse, which was visible all over the country,” said White House Press Secretary and current pie-eating champion Sarah Huckabee Sanders. “Obama weakly let all the solar eclipses move overseas when he was President. It took Donald Trump to bring solar eclipses back to the United States, where they belong. The President plans to apply his America First policy to all future spectacular astronomical events. Like meteor showers. From now on all meteors will hit the United States before they hit anywhere else. That’s another promise to the American people that the President plans to keep.”
When reporters pointed out that the solar eclipse happened back in August, meaning Trump took an uncharacteristically long five months to take credit for it, Huckabee replied, “Fake news,” and flounced off from behind the podium.