Whatever you may think about Trump,
and I personally think that he's a safety-orange Hefty bag full of easily refuted lies, you have to admit that he’s accomplished a wide variety of “firsts” in his first 100-some days in office. And don’t be crybabying to me about how he’s not building the wall and can’t get a Muslim ban through the court system. There’s plenty of pioneering on the Trump Administration. Here’s ten items that DT can scratch off his bucket list that he’s done bigger, better and more beautifully than any previous President. I mean really beautifully, of course. Spectacularly beautifully, even.
First President to meet with a Russian spy in the Oval Office, pass along classified information and brag about firing the FBI Director to him.
First President whose income is better known to Moscow than it is to American taxpayers.
First President with widely distributed nude pictures of his wife.
First President with a wife worth viewing in nude pictures.
First President with a daughter living in the White House who’s out of school and married.
First President to call Kim Jung Un smart and the Prime Minister of Australia dumb.
First draft-dodging President to have his picture taken in the White House with a man who crapped himself to avoid service.
First white President able to blame all of his problems on a black President.
First President with more derogatory nicknames than there are slang expressions in American English for vaginas.
First President who’s ever been given the remotest chance that he will eventually be forced to beg the Kremlin for political asylum.
There may be more by now--as of last report Trump had visited the Wailing Wall without suggesting it should be renamed the Trump Wailing Wall and hung with the Pope without calling him a "loser," making him the first President to get kudos for behaving normally.
More to come, I'm sure, and by that I don't mean more normalcy.