"Nobody has done more for Christianity or for evangelicals—or for religion itself—than I have, [doing] so many different things," he said during a phone interview--News Item
This is the sort of fatuous, self-congratulatory, only vaguely comprehensible spouting we have come to expect from Trump, both in-office and out. The run-on sentence, laudatory only to himself, is Trump’s special form of communication. It’s as sure a thing as his next cheeseburger fart.
Of course, many people have done more for religion that Trump—the Crusaders, the Saracens, the Conquistadores, just to name three of hundreds—all people who raised swords and hooves in the name of their faiths, stomping unbeliever hiney all over four continents. What has Trump done that compared to conquering people, enslaving them and then forcing them to build temples to your God? Having a religious adviser who looks good in a short skirt is not even close to being the same as wiping pagan blood off your blade after a hard day of spreading the faith.
Trump didn’t promote all faiths equally, either. Ask the Muslims. Or the Hindus, whom Stephen Miller tried valiantly to deny visas to, in the name of whiteness. No, Trump only promoted Evangelical America, God’s army with guns, bake sales and diabetes carts.
Now even they are turning on him. Frank Amedia, who served as a Christian liaison to Trump during his 2016 campaign and was the architect of the “Prayer Shield” that allegedly protected Trump at his Inauguration, has publicly said that God is sick of Trump.
Amedia runs “Touch Heaven” Ministries, and apparently, the last time he was in touch with Heaven, God told the minister that He was through with Trump. The next time Trump asks God for anything, if he ever does, God is going to tell the Ex to blow it out his ass.
Okay, Amedia didn’t say that. What he said was "A lot of the things that God had given him to do he fulfilled as a checklist. But here's the key: Who got the glory? And who was he taking the glory to? Was he thanking God for it publicly? Was he pointing to God for it?" Amedia continued. The pastor said that everyone had grown "tired" of Trump's tweets and "him talking about himself."
Trump talks about himself way more than God does. God barely mentions Himself at all, but when He does, He tends to go on about being "The Kingdom, the Power, the Glory,” etc., etc., to wearying effect.
This is the sort of thing Trump, who, you recall, once proclaimed himself “the chosen one,” would probably like to say about himself, and can barely keep from doing so. For four years he took credit for everything good that happened in the country, and accepted no blame for anything bad.
Of course, God’s been doing the same thing to all of humanity since his burning bush days. He’s been gaslighting us since before there was gas, or lights. No wonder he’s sick of Trump.
Fucker’s been stepping on His act.