Take Ted Nugent, for example. Just last January he suggested that Obama and Hillary Clinton should be tried for treason and hung and it was barely noted by the media. When he added that they should be tortured and shot as well, the whole Internet went to commercial, if you catch my drift, and when it came back all anybody was talking about was the OFB’s hand size.
Zombie-eyed former Presidential candidateMichelle Bachmann blamed God for the terrorist attack in Brussels, and gave as His reason His desire to humiliate Obama. Now God kills masses of average innocent people all the time with every means at His disposal, it’s true, but when He wants to humiliate one person, He does not have to resort to causing the death of random strangers—He can always make you lock yourself out of your hotel room naked, because He is the Supreme Being.
But Bachmann’s bad theology was scarcely commented on, as Ted Cruz and The Donald picked the same news cycle to start trading insults over each other’s wives, in the yours-is-a-slut-oh-yeah-well-yours-is-a-nut episode of the Republican struggle for supremacy in this election year.
Ann Coulter has actually killed an entire extended Mexican family in cold blood in an effort to prove she is still relevant, to no avail.
And the King of All Media himself, Rush Limbaugh, has been reduced to complaining about Michelle Obama complaining about catcalling. The First Lady was in Argentina, where apparently wolf-whistling and catcalling is such a major issue that there have been legislative attempts to ban it.
This means Argentinian men are even dumber than American men, hard as that may be for a neutral observer to believe. The fact is that the number of willing sexual relationships that have been started by a man whistling or shouting something like “Hey beautiful,” or “Hi Princess,” or “Them are some nice Winnebagos,” to a passing attractive woman remains the same since the custom started in prehistory—zero.
The reason men shout after physically gifted girls is to impress other men with their boldness, although the impression they are really making on their more sophisticated fellows is that they really have no idea how to get laid. Their words are mere random sputterings of testosterone. But if people couldn’t say stupid things, most of them wouldn’t have anything to say at all, and here in the USA we have a First Amendment that guarantees our right to say pointless dumb crap at all times.
It’s what makes America great. It’s what gives Rush Limbaugh a job and a great deal of income, which means he, like the OFB, has had multiple beautiful wives who were, and are, much younger than he is. But he didn’t get any of his wives by saying something like “Hey sweet thing,” or “Yowsuh!” when he spotted them shaking it along the sidewalk, because that just doesn’t work.
Rush defends the practice though, and thinks women should appreciate it, though I think he should disguise himself and take a poorly-paid outdoor job where wearing a shirt is optional and whistle at passing women his whole working day and check the results before recommending it to everybody.
A few feminists pointed out what an idiot Limbaugh was for standing up for wolf-whistlers and cat-callers, but even they seemed to realize nobody pays attention to him anymore.
Call it the Trump Effect. It’s yuuuuge.