No one even knows what this martial law would look like, but its point would be to “redo” the election in the swing states Trump lost, and confidently expect a different result, which, I guess you could, if you conducted it at bayonet point.
The cooperation of the military, from the Joint Chiefs of Staff on down, would be uncertain in this venture, so Trump’s buds might have to start deputizing the Proud Boys to impose martial law for him. Not that they, or their friends the Boogaloos, or various other neo-Nazis and open-carriers wouldn’t love to do this, but they might be spread a little thin trying to impose Trump’s will on Philadelphia, Detroit and Milwaukee at the same time.
Not that Trump has many arrows left in his quiver, after the Supreme Court dismissed his latest attempt to win the election in court with one sentence that was the legal equivalent of John Cleese saying, “I fart in your general direction.” He’s got Giuliani, because nobody else wants him, and he’s got that ex-cop in Texas who got arrested for holding an air-conditioning contractor at gunpoint because he suspected the AC guy was hauling stolen votes. Turns out that it’s fairly easy to tell an air-conditioning unit from a voting machine, especially if you expect that voting machine to keep your living room cool during a hot Texas afternoon, and the ex-cop was schooled on the difference before he was let out on bail.
In short, Trump still needs to be convinced that, after a year of impeachment and plague, and four years of taking his dick out and randomly waving it over the salad bar of American democracy, a sizable majority of Americans just don’t want him to be President anymore. Nobody flipped any votes, nobody hauled truckloads of fake ballots out of secret warehouses, no Venezuelan manipulators of voting machines altered the outcome, and Hugo Chavez stayed strategically dead the whole time.
Nobody may actually be able to do this-Trump may go to his grave thinking he won the election. That won’t keep me from dancing on it, and by that time all you Trumpies out there will have forgotten all about martial law.
Or “Marshall Law,” as you like to call it.