It was his most recent statement on the "Unite the Right" event, which he had characterized previously as having “good people on both sides.”
The statement was greeted with extreme merriment in some quarters. A by-no-means complete list of Americans who guffawed at Trump wishing them well follows:
NFL players who kneel during the national anthem. Trump wants them fired. Is he wishing them well at their new jobs in the Canadian Football League?
Californians, whose state is burning up and whom Trump blames for that fact, attributing the wildfires to California laws passed by Democrats regarding water conservation. It's difficult to discern a meaning in the Tweet he posted on the subject. The most generous interpretation would be that he wishes California to abolish the state law that requires water to run downhill.
LeBron James, Robert DeNiro, Maxine Waters, Jimmy Kimmel and anybody else whom Trump has called “a low-IQ individual.” Calling people stupid is one of the things Trump does best, and one of the very few things he is better at than any previous President, along with taking golf vacations and paying off hookers. He sounds much sincerer while doing it than he does wishing anybody peace.
Muslims. Should be banned from entering the country, even the ones who fought on our side in the dazzling array of Mideast wars we have started. But, now that they’ve managed to become Americans despite this Administration’s best efforts, Trump wishes them well, even the ones who were dancing on the rooftops of New Jersey on 9-11.
Obama. Here’s a guy Trump has accused of wiretapping him, conspiring with James Comey to elect Hillary Clinton and characterized as “cheatin Obama.” Obama is cool with all this, and why not? He’s retired, wealthy immensely popular and anytime he needs another million bucks all he has to do is give a speech. He doesn’t need Trump’s well wishes, which is good, because Trump’s secret desire is for him to defect to Kenya.
Immigrants. All right, technically they’re only wannabe Americans, so maybe Trump isn’t including them in his gesture of magnanimity. From “extreme vetting,” by which White House means waterboarding every one of them, to locking up their kids in cages, Trump has done everything in his power to let them know they should huddle in masses yearning to breathe free somewhere else, goddammit. A lot of them think they’re “Americans,” too, because they live on the same continent as us, so it would be easy for them to mistake Trump’s well-wishes as applying to them. Don’t. Except for Melania's parents. They're cool.
Robert Mueller. Trump wishes Mueller would get hit by a piece of falling space junk. You can bet the farm on that.
On the other hand, there are many Americans who can accept Trump’s well-wishes placidly, because they know he’s talking about them. White supremacists, deplorables, cops who shoot unarmed suspects, bigwigs that sexually assault their underlings, Laura Ingraham, Joe Arpaio, Sean Hannity, Kanye—the list goes on. All of them can imagine Trump embracing them warmly and saying, “You my niggahs.”
Yes, of course he would say that. Ask Omarosa.