I don't see any reason to confine Perry's insight to the biological sciences. Letting students figure out all high school subjects for themselves promises to be a boon to school district budgets everywhere, and those hateful teacher's unions will certainly lose a lot of their clout when the position of teacher is eliminated. Of course, strict educational standards have to be maintained, lest our kids lose their position as the 14th or 15th best educated children on the planet. The Rick Perry High School Graduation Test, reprinted in its entirety below, makes certain American high school graduates possess enough knowledge to compete on the world stage.
1. Who was the first President of the United States, Washington or Lincoln?
- Washington
- Lincoln
- Neither—it was Franklin, because he's on the C-note
- I don't know, but isn't it weird they were both born on holidays?
- Irrational
- Tasty
- I don't like pie
- I don't like numbers
- 1812
- Around 1812
- Between 1811 and 1813
- After the fall of Saigon
- Up
- Out
- East
- To the person to whom I'm passing the joint.
- Any CSI show
- Chemistry
- Home Ec, because if you fold it up right, it becomes the Food Pyramid
- Woodworking
- True
- False
- They may have lived together, but they weren't allowed to marry
- Promiscuity
- Teenage sex
- Acne
- Sin
- Free condom giveaways
- California
- Israel
- New York City
- Mexico
- Wrong, because it's cold today
- A terrorist plot
- A fake theory foisted on us by the wealthy renewable energy lobby to push the impoverished Texas oil industry into bankruptcy
- Only acknowledged by people who can use the word "foisted."