The page is sponsored/run by Brian Kolfage, a triple amputee veteran of the second Iraqi war, a man who has sacrificed much for this country, and who is an ardent admirer of someone who has sacrificed nothing for anybody, ever, our President, who appears thumbs up at the top of the page, superimposed on a picture of the Wall as it currently exists in my home town of San Diego. We’ve had a wall on the southern border of our city ever since I first moved here, in 1980, but for sure Trump has never visited it, hence the need for photoshopping.
A running list of recent contributors to the Wall Fund runs alongside the faked-up picture of Trump. People give $5, $10 or $20 mostly, and their names appear next to the amount of their donation. Most of the names are pretty ordinary white people names, although one $100 donor was named Abraham Rozensweig, despite the fact that our country once denied a lot of people with names like Rozensweig asylum, letting them get sent back to Europe to be put in concentration camps by Hitler.
But that was back when Jews weren’t white people. Now that they are, even though there are prominent Trump supporters with some reservations about that classification, there’s at least one named Rozensweig who’s ready to slam the golden door behind him, so to speak.
Kolfage, whose picture appears at the bottom of the page, along with his stunning blonde wife and two adorable towheaded children, says that he’s Go Funding the Wall to keep us safe from being murdered by illegal aliens and to keep their brown paws off his hot wife. Just kidding! He doesn’t say that about his wife. He just lets us think it--Why shouldn't someone so gorgeous, and also the mother of kids so adorable, be able to wear that sexy slit dress without worrying about being ogled by horny Hispanics? Build the Wall!
Not that many of us get murdered by illegal aliens anyway—it seems to be about three or four per year. I’m confident of that number because every time it happens, it gets splashed all over the media, whereas most of the 17,000 or so of us who get murdered by our fellow citizens every year expire much more anonymously. It’s pretty easy to see Kolfage railing against murderous Latinos someday, as he makes a speech at a shopping mall in the deep white suburbs while running for Congress, surrounded by his photogenic family. He'll be campaigning on a platform of shutting the border and denying healthcare to people with pre-existing conditions, because the future of our country depends on both those things.
Pretty sure that’s his long-term plan.
Not until after he’s raised a billion for the Wall, though, even though the Wall is supposed to cost 25 billion. A billion is only one-fifth of what Trump is willing to settle for to reopen the government, so it’s basically chump change, impenetrable-border-barrier-wise.
AND THE MEXICANS WERE SUPPOSED TO PAY FOR IT IN THE FIRST PLACE! Doesn’t anybody remember that? That whole negotiation was botched from the beginning. We shouldn’t have put the Mexicans’ backs up by demanding they pay for the Wall. Mexican politicians are hardly incorruptible. We should have bribed them to build the Wall themselves. If we had, it would already be standing, probably at a bargain basement rate. Of course, then the Mexicans would already know where all the good spots to tunnel underneath it were, and it might collapse in a heavy rain like the toll road to Ensenada did a few years back, but it would at least be there, and Trump could take full credit for it.
As it stands, basically zero pesos are going towards building the Wall. That changes now. Here are some pesos I fished out of the cup holder in my car, probably change from the last time I took that toll road, which has been rebuilt. I am willing to donate these funds toward the Wall, even though I am going to be in Mexico next week and could freely spend them there, because the Wall needs to be funded with at least a few symbolic pesos, for the sake of our national self-respect.
I’m clicking on the Donate button on Brian’s page right now. And finding they only take dollars!
Irony lurks everywhere, amigos.