Unlike other states in the Northeast, the citizens of PA’s Democratic urban centers do not completely outnumber the residents of Pennsylvania’s Republican hinterlands, known locally to insider Pennsylvanians as “Pennsyltucky,” or “Baja West Virginia.” This makes the Keystone State a crucial swing state. But it does not put it in the Midwest. From Philadelphia, it takes about 70 minutes to drive to Atlantic City, which is definitely on the East Coast, which you can tell on account of you can put your toes in the ocean there. The Acela Corridor, the preferred transportation route for egghead Eastern libtards everywhere, runs through Pennsylvania.
Upstate PA has a substantial population of older white people who blame BLM and antifa for the fact that nobody wants to pay their kids to mine coal anymore, which makes it similar to Michigan, where white people blame climate scientists and Mexico for them not having auto plants anymore, and Wisconsin, where the local custom is to sit in a deer blind with your hemorrhoids killing you, for hours on end. There is no more Republican feeling than this.
But PA has a distinctly East Coast vibe. Pennsylvanians speak in five different accents, for one thing, from the simple Amish, who agreeably say “Ayup,” to almost everything, to South Philadelphians, who drink, bathe and put out fires with “wooder.” People in the Midwest have one accent for the whole region.
People in Pennsylvania tend to be not nearly as nice as Midwesterners. Maybe putting ketchup on hot dogs makes you a better person. Linguists have proven that conversations between Pennsylvanians are 72% percent more likely to contain the phrase “Fuck you and the horse you rode in on,” than conversations between Ohioans, Indianans and residents of other states that are geographically in the Midwest.
It's true that Pennsylvania borders on the Midwest, and has a shore washed by one Great Lake. But people who color maps of the US red, blue and purple according to hypothetical election results for a living should have noticed by now that Pennsylvania sits far to the right of other states they think Trump might carry again and that did not belong to the Confederacy. It’s squished up against New York, New Jersey and Maryland, states notorious for being top-heavy with liberals and other people who think that there are more than two seasons (hunting and football) in any year.
Besides, ask a Pennsylvanian, even one living in a trailer in the hills with at least six dogs sleeping under it and four cases worth of Rolling Rock empties in his recycle bin, if he’s living in the Midwest.
“Fuck you and the horse you rode in on,” is liable to be his answer.