I’m always interested in the “Don’t Blame Me—I Voted for Trump” crowd. Blame you for what? was my first reaction. That was before Biden withdrew from Afghanistan with all the dignity of a part-time lover crawling out of a window and falling naked into a hedge outside it, resulting in multiple contusions, when a husband came home unexpectedly. The fact that Trump would have done the same thing,* only earlier, and left most everybody that Biden airlifted out behind, is lost on the Don’t Blame Me bunch, and lost forever, to be sure.
The “creepy, sleepy and sloppy,” criticism seems unwarranted. We’ve had much creepier Presidents than Biden. Kennedy, Nixon, Clinton—all had tremendous creepy tendencies, and at least two of them were regarded as successful Presidents. Kissing little girls on the hair doesn’t seem nearly as creepy as screwing every single woman who wanted to put I fucked a President in her sexual history, composing an enemies list, or letting an intern pants you in the Oval Office.
Sleepy? I’m sure Joe gets eight hours a day, because he doesn’t have to watch TV compulsively for mentions of himself or flame Rosie O’Donnell on Twitter.
Sloppy? Joe generally looks pretty natty, especially at an age where a lot of guys wear nothing but their untied bathrobes all day, even to the bus stop or the 7-11. His neckwear is always tied at the right length and he doesn’t have any strange, is-he-wearing-a-Depends? bulges in his trousers. He is never photographed wearing cargo pants, a t-shirt and flip flops, unlike his critic.
The advice to Do Your Research Next Time!!! is a little puzzling. We had four years to research Trump. A majority of us decided we hated the Salmon Shithead way more than we were worried about Hunter Biden's job history. The three question marks seem excessive. He should have saved at least one of them for Don't Just Vote For A Party ???, because those question marks are just plain wrong.
But the big mystery is, what is a narsostic? Is it a narcoleptic agnostic? A narcissistic tic-tac-toe enthusiast? A narcotic paralytic? A narwhal sleeping in the attic?
Is it just someone who drinks too much covfefe?
Merriam never heard of a narsotticism, and the closest the Urban Dictionary got was an NPR American, which is a person who gets their news from NPR.
In other words, a snotty educated liberal who thinks he knows way more and looks down on people who got all C’s in high school and currently form their political opinions by smoking medical marijuana while watching Hannity.
So, sign me up as a narsosist. Is there a fee involved?
Meanwhile, I’m betting the guy in the pic has discovered that his fifteen minutes of fame was about fourteen and a half minutes too long. He’s shaved the beard, gotten a buzz cut and put on a track suit.
*Not crawl out the window. He would have hired somebody to do that for him.