I conceived of the day as being a festive one, equal to any religious holiday, not just some mundane commemoration that gets mumbled about on the evening news. What are we, groundhogs? Here's what a great Darwin day would be like:
April: All religions have their holidays, and Christmas is a legal one, but now atheists and agnostics will have a day they can call their own on DARWIN DAY, April 19. It marks the anniversary of the great man's death, after which he was buried and NOTHING ELSE HAPPENED. This will be the holiday most like Christmas, as Darwin, also a kindly old man with a beard, will arrive in the middle of the night in a magical flying sailing ship and bring chemistry sets, cheap telescopes and annoying puzzles to smart children all over the world. Later in the day, the family will gather round to eat mock turtle soup off of the Table of Elements and decorate the Evolutionary Tree.
Now that's a party! Have a nice Darwin Day anway! And if you do drink, have a desigmated driver, or at least look up where the police checkpoints are going to be.