The drug is fluvoxamine, which besides helping you feel a little more chipper about your inevitable decay and death, is also used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder, so besides recovering from Covid, you’ll also feel more sanguine when someone puts a pair of red socks in your black sock drawer.
It cuts hospitalization for Covid by about 40%, which is 40% more than anti-malarial pills and livestock dewormer have been shown to do.
This study was done in Brazil, where the vaccine, which prevents hospitalization by 95% or so, may not be as freely available as it is here, where it seems nowadays you can get it at any 7-11. You know how they have the big hot dogs in a case there, close enough to grab but the cashier has to get them for you anyway? The 7-11 vaccine works the same way.
I got vaccinated in the early days of the vaccination era, when you had to go to a stadium to get the shot. So far, the only side effect I’ve experienced is that I don’t worry about getting Covid anymore. I’m not magnetic, which would actually be helpful when I inevitably drop a tiny screw into the inaccessible interior of an appliance I’ve been working on. Bill Gates may know I went to BevMo yesterday, again, but so far as I know, he hasn’t tried to brainwash me into joining the United Nations Army.
So good for the Brazilians. But will antivaxxers really take an antidepressant, even though it may save their lives? Some people revel in insanity, and by some people I mean anybody that pays attention to Joe Rogan. There is something manly about taking a drug that kills worms or kept the great white hunters of bygone times from getting malaria, but there’s a bit of stigma in taking an antidepressant, even for covid purposes. It implies that trusting your tattoo artist more than the CDC and owning a garage full of guns and all the libs can sometimes make you feel empty inside.
On the other hand, gulping a few antidepressants when you’re looking at checking into a hospital can’t help but brisk up your feelings. That fluvoxamine can make your decision to forgo a free vaccine because Tucker Carlson has been poormouthing it seem to shine with the glow of logic, and you can feel all rosy about your chances of beating the virus, even though they’re only about 50% once they wheel you into that ICU.
And, hey, if you survive that coin flip, keep on taking that fluvoxamine. Besides being alive, you’ll be able to take your eggs out of the carton in any random way you feel like.