I’ve kept a monkish silence since the American people, in particular the hard-working, mostly white people in the heart of the country, decided for the second time that the man who understands them best is a guy who has never cooked an egg, changed a tire, or done a load of laundry in his life. They have decided they want four years of unintelligent performance art for the benefit of Fox News instead of a government. That’s democracy for you.
The pigs will run the pen, the rats will rule the maze and the sharks will own the tank for at least the next two years, possibly four. No doubt they will soon start reminding us why Trump was reviled during his first term. There will be a crisis, and Trump will deny all responsibility for it and refuse to lead us out of it. Fortunately, we will not have another chance to forgive him for the carnage he will cause.
Did I watch the Inauguration? No. You would have to give me a choice between that and watching a battlefield surgeon amputate one of my legs before I would watch that orgy of preening and gloating and lying.
Ironically, it took place on Martin Luther King Day. King once said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” King was an American hero, but he was also an apt politician, so he never added, “But, occasionally, it will swerve off into a cesspit of venality, lies and brutality as well.”
No doubt King knew that. He didn’t put it in his speech though. Wouldn’t have had the same ring to it.